Compressing and Uncompressing Data in Android/Java Using Zlib

Compressing and Uncompressing Data in Android/Java Using Zlib

This Could Be Better

The Zlib data compression library is built into Java, and allows you to compress and decompress data. So, uh… ’nuff said?

1. If you have not already done so, download and install the Java Development Kit. Details are given in a previous tutorial. Make a note of the directory to which the files “javac.exe” and “java.exe” are installed.

2. In any convenient location, create a new directory named “CompressionTest”.

3. In the newly created CompressionTest directory, create a new text file named “”, containing the following text.

import*; import java.util.*; import*; public class CompressionTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Compressor compressor = new Compressor(); String stringToCompress = "This is a test!"; //String stringToCompress = "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the bands that bind them..."; System.out.println("stringToCompress is: '" + stringToCompress + "'"); byte[] bytesCompressed = compressor.compress(stringToCompress); System.out.println("bytesCompressed…

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